- Birthname : Jung Soo Yeon, Jessica
- Name Meaning : Beauty and Luxury
- Nick name in SNSD : Ice Princess
- Other Nicknames : Sic, Sica, Sicachu,
Liquid Sica, Sica effect, Sica of sweat, Baby Sic, Puppet Sic, Sexica, Glowing
Sic, Sleepy Sica
- Birthday : April 18, 1989
- Blood Type : B
- Height : 163 cm
- Weight : 45 kg
- Position : 2nd Lead Vocalist
- Favourite Numbers : 52
- Hobbies : Boxing, Soccer
- Speciality : English, Dance
- Years of Training : 7 years 6 months
- Favourite Song from Girls Generation : Complete
- Discovery: 2000 SM Casting System
- School(s): Korea Kent Foreign
- School, (former) Seoul International School